Gratitude Challenge. Day 3. Getting on with it.

So yes, Sunday does eventually lead to Monday and all the hard work of preparation and sock folding pays off as we get to start out week with some semblance of organisation.

Da Biznez

Monday and Tuesdays are work days for me so I generally just focus on getting stuff done, hanging out with my kids at the end of the day, frantically tidying mess and reading bed time stories.

Occasionally life does not go according to plan though and this my friends,  is why I look as old as I do.

Oh well. Sigh.

I am grateful for my strength and health and my ability to get up and go to work. This is something that is easy to take for granted but I learned early on in my life that good health can be swept away in an instant. There are no guarantees so enjoy each day and never harshly judge a beautiful and hard working body.

Each wrinkle and grey hair tells a story and I have some good stories to tell.

I am also grateful today for my lovely tweenager. Our kids keep us confused and ever-striving don’t they?  But gee it is valuable to stop and appreciate the moments that they do something great. Today my girl made a cake, thus rescuing her little brother from a bag of popcorn as his shared morning tea at a class party tomorrow. How ace are daughters?

She just got up and made it, all on her own, in order to be kind to her brother.

How wonderful.

The third thing I am grateful for today is snacks. Yes I said it. I am grateful for excellent snacks. Don’t judge.

Truthfully, I love a good snack for supper. Biscuits, chips, crackers, chocolate bars, sweet gooey tubs of decadent ice-cream, I love them all.

Current favourites include the chunky Kit Kat and a snack sized packet or Red Rock Deli chips. More decadent evenings have included Nutella donuts from my local Italian restaurant.

When it comes to snacky treats, unlike the rest of my diet, I am not that fussy.

What sweet bliss is it to sit down to a quiet moment on your own at the end of a busy day and eat a little something delicious. I know I learned this little habit from my Mum, and long live the tradition say I.

So, What are you grateful for today?

Strong bodies, kind daughters, sweet snacks or something a little more serious?

I’d love to hear your list so feel free to  join my 31 days of gratitude challenge.

I’d love to see you there.

Dani xx

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Create the Happy 31 days of gratitude

Day 1. Some days are easy.

Day two. Some days prove to be harder than others.





Gratitude challenge. Day 2 of 31.

In which some days prove to be harder than others.

Ahh, Sunday. The day of long sleep-ins and restful moments in front of the fire or at the park.

Scratch that. Not for this little lady.

Sunday, the second day of the precious weekend and the day with so much promise and possibility, but very little delivery.

My Sunday generally looks a little bit like this.

  • Wake up
  • Feel grateful it is the weekend
  • Realise I gotta get going if I’m going to make it to church on time
  • Endure weird puffy face, thanks to Saturday
  • Negotiate horrors of chit-chat in a large group (not the favourite thing to do for this introvert)
  • Attempt to scrounge up lunch from the corner of the fridge/ back seat of the car/ bottom of my handbag. Nut bar, gummy bear and noodle stir-fry anyone?
  • Drag my feet very wearily to the car for endless hunter-gatherer grocery shopping.
  • Buy enough bananas to feed all of Beyonce’s back up dancers.
  • Realise I did not buy enough bananas.
  • Realise I forgot to buy rice so now all my meal planning is pitiful and useless.
  • Cook lunch for Monday
  • Fold washing
  • Wonder if perhaps the washing has been breeding because how can there be so much of it?
  • Find all the missing socks that you threw out the pair of last week.
  • Discover a fresh batch of un-paired missing partner socks.
  • Wonder if the universe is pranking me about the socks.
  • Cook something “exciting” because I’m trying to hold onto the weekend vibe as long as possible.
  • Eat weird dinner to the orchestra of complaints from children who are not going along with the exciting  weekend vibe thing.
  • Argue 52 times about showers.
  • Feel cross at Sunday for going so fast.
  • Dream about planning a weekend away so that next weekend I can really “make the most of it.”
  • Give up on the weekend away planning because basically I’m too tired.
  • Stare at TV in a daydream state chanting “concentrate, come on, your attention span can’t be that shot” quietly in my own head.
  • Argue about bed 52 times with children.
  • Remember I have to sign 16 permission slips.
  • Discover they have all gone missing.
  • Climb into bed.
  • Realise I forgot to wash the sports jacket again.
  • Climb back into bed.
  • Pick up my favourite book that has been sitting beside my bed eagerly for 5 weeks.
  • Open page.
  • Realise I have your place again.
  • Fall asleep with book unread.

I think I need a holiday.

But right now I won’t be getting one.

So in lieu of such a thing, I will instead continue on with my mission to find three things to be grateful for every day, no matter what.

Salvation came late in the day for me this Sunday.

  1. I am grateful for meeting new people and making new friends in my local area. Tonight I had an important date with Aus Kick under the stars. It was very cold and I was pretty tired but I went anyone and I actually had a lovely evening! I also realised that shamefully, I have never really hung out in “the club rooms” before. Ever. In my life. Weird but true.
  2. Hanging out with my man. Tonight, due to weird circumstances, the hubby and I got to eat dinner together, on our own. We even talked and slowly enjoyed our food. A rare occurrence and a little bit ace.
  3. A warm bed in a warm house. I am often reminded that I am indeed very fortunate to have a roof over my head and a lovely home and for this I am thankful. My bed felt extra cosy and warm tonight after my evening on the footy field and isn’t a cosy bed such a simple, excellent pleasure? I think so.

Three things, on day two, and despite my whinging about Sundays.  Yay!

How did you go?

Do you love a quiet Sunday or does it tend to be a little busy and full of the “to do’s” like mine?

Dani xx

Join me on my 31 days of gratitude challenge. 

You can start here, at any 1. In which life is simple and good. 

Gratitude post day 1 of 31

Some days are easier than others

Some days it is easy and some days it is hard to think of something to be grateful for.

Today I have the whole day to spend at home with my family and although I am very sad that I can’t attend my girlfriends 30th birthday party tonight, overall being at home with my people is a very happy space for me.

So today I am grateful for quiet family moments. They are definitely not quiet actually (anyone else with two boys?) but they are not rushed so you hopefully know what I mean.

I did some gardening with my two boys and although don’t exactly know what I am doing, I find it therapeutic. It also reminds me of my beautiful Dad who I lost 7 years ago and who I miss every day. Somehow I kind of manage to find him when I am gardening and I am reminded of who he was and how he loved his roses.

We walked the very naughty puppy.

We slept in past 7am– Yay! I needed it because midget 5 keeps coming in to my room overnight and squishing me right to the edge of my bed.

One day he will stop and I’ll be sad but at 3am I’m just a little mad.

But the best part of my day…..


My sister who lives just too far away these days, popped by for coffee. Yipee! I really miss her and her kids since I moved to the other side of town. I have written before about the beauty of having 5 sisters and now that I am a little further away it is so hard to find time to hang out with them. The pop in is such a pleasant and simple way to catch up  and stay connected with people don’t you think? So yay for that.

So was it easy or hard for you to think of something to be grateful for? Can you think of three small things that you are thankful for today?

Why not buy yourself a fresh new note book and write them down on the first page. I am not much of an artist but if I was I would add a sketch.  Feel free to join in with me here and pop your three things in the comments or shoot me a message.  If you are a blogger I will link to your post at the end of the week.

I’d love to hear and you will help keep me motivated.


Want to join in my 31 days of gratitude challenge?

I would love to have company.

You can find out  all the details here. 




My Melbourne winter mantra: try a little gratitude

It is that time of year again where Melbourne is cold and a little frosty, and every single person I know appears to be on holiday somewhere warm and a little bit delightful.

My little sister is in Noosa (swoon) and my Mum has just hopped on a jet plane for London. I am still dreaming of living in warmer climes as I do every year at this time.

I normally dream of Queensland but this year the Italian countryside is calling me. A recent opportunity was presented to me to live in Italy for 3 months, studying food systems and Italian culture. All I need to fulfil this lifelong dream is a lot of money, a live in Nanny for 3 months and for my workplace to tell me they don’t really need me in until December. So close but so far.

So instead I am reminded once again of the soothing, healing capabilities of gratitude. 

  • Gratitude can help increase happiness and decrease depression.
  • Practising gratitude before bed can help you sleep better and longer.
  • Grateful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments as it works to reduce social comparison and increase self-esteem.
  • It can help to increase mental strength and improve relationships.

It’s pretty clear right, that in lieu of the Italian countryside, or a Whitsunday Island, I could really try a little gratitude.

So here is my list.

  • The sunrise. Haven’t we been having some gorgeous, sweeping orange-hued sun rises lately? Soft, colourful skies are such a lovely thing to wake up to on freezing cold mornings.
  • My fireplace. Our new home has a toasty fireplace smack bang in the middle of our lounge room. There is nothing more cosy than drinking tea in front of a fireplace on a cold winters day.
  • Long term friendships. Have you got any of those long lasting friendships that see you through ups and downs and ins and outs? Well I have and my recent house move means that I get to see a little bit more of one of my girlfriends. I am still desperately missing being near my sister and Mum, but Friday drinks and “pop arounds” are helping to ease the situation for sure.
  • Family. So yes I love having 5 sisters but I was also recently able to spend some time with my “in-laws.” The Professor flew in with his little blonde haired crew and we all gathered around in a mud brick hut.  We celebrated “Canada Day” and explored Daylesford and Carlton and it was lovely to just reconnect and hang out with extended family.

So what are you grateful for? Can you easily name 5 things? I recommend you give it a try because once you start, it is not so hard. Thinking about what I am grateful for allows me to see the beauty all around my little house in cold old Melbourne after all.



Do you Hygge?

If you hygge and you know it

Sip your tea.

Sip, slurp.

Earlier in the year I bought the beautiful book “Hygge The Danish Art of Happiness” by Marie Tourell Soderberg and I adored lingering over every single page in it.hygge in Australia

Hygge is the Danish word for finding happiness in the little things in life and it is closely linked to the idea of cosiness.

This gorgeous little book explains what is meant by the word “hygge” and also suggests a number of different ways you can include the practise in your every day life.

Given all the upheaval and change that I had going on in my  life, this was the perfect little book for me.

I immediately launched into baking fresh bread for breakfast using Soderberg’s recipe. Is there a more comforting experience than eating freshly baked bread, still warm from the oven in the morning?

I got in the habit of mixing dough together at night before bed and then simply spooning  rolls shapes on a tray in the morning and baking it.

Warm, tasty and delicious.hygge the Danish art of happiness

I also experimented with creating cosy little nooks in my house where the children and I can sit snuggled up and surrounded by things that are familiar.

I  introduced some house plants into my home following the suggestion to have a corner filled with greenery. So far they are all still alive and there is something very enjoyable about having living, breathing plants inside my home.

I do wonder about what our unique Australian sense of hygge might look like. Soderberg talks a lot about the importance of retreating somewhere warm, with candle light and blankets due to the cold weather and short days. Here in Australia of course we have lots of warm or moderate weather. We also have long days and an abundance of space and coastline.

I know for me, that lovely feeling of contentedness nearly always washes over me when I hit the road and the horizon opens up to countryside vistas.Apollo Bayroyal botanic gardens melbourne

But I think the most hygge thing that I can think of doing is to sit down with a cup of tea. Growing up, my Mum was the Queen of making tea. It was never rushed and when she made you a cup you always had her full attention. So lovely.
hygge with a cup of tea

tea is very hygge

I would also have to include sitting by the fire, baking and pottering in the garden to my list. being in the garden is very hygge

So, do you hygge?

What do you do in your home that helps it feel like a place of cosiness and comfort?


The Ups and Downs of Running with Helen from My Home Base

Are you like me, feeling sick of reading horrible, nasty and negative news every day in the papers and online? Then join me in my love a blogger challenge. Spend a little bit of time reading some of the thoughtful, inspired and intelligent writing on offer by your favourite blogger. They probably don’t have a degree in journalism but they won’t have a Masters in Snark either. Most bloggers just write for the love of words and a desire to create something beautiful.

Today we are meeting Helen from My Home Base (one of my favourites).

Dani xx Continue reading

Why I freaking hate Freak Shakes

I love a ridiculously good food trend as much as the next person. Some years ago when all the cool kids started drinking their cocktails out of Grandma’s jam jars, I wanted in.

Like most people I am compelled toward the novel and the next in order to keep my ever dwindling attention span stimulated. Indeed chasing after the novel or the new has been shown to provide us with an endorphin kick and the resulting potential increase in the feeling of happines. Ahh. Continue reading

Why Mums are to blame for everything

Nearly 6 years ago exactly, I decided to run away.

I had two beautiful children. A perfect pair to be precise. A hard working husband who was an awful lot of fun to share adventures with.

“Want to try something new?”


I had a house, a job, a few friends. I even had some rewarding community driven engagements.

“How fulfilling.” I hear you whisper.

But I wanted two more things; a baby and a trip to Italy.

I email my Mum, because that is always the right place to start.

“Mum I am thinking I might travel to Italy in September. I know that it probably won’t work, and I am not even sure that I can afford it, but is there any chance you want to come with me?”

A measly 5 minutes after I press send, the phone rings.

It was Mum, of course. (Who else still calls?)

“Yes I would absolutely love to go with you to Italy. If I can’t work out how to do it, you should go anyway. You will never regret it.

So we did go, my Mum and me. I ran away from my little family and all my responsibilities and the groundhog day routine and I travelled across Italy on a bus with a puking Canadian and I loved every minute of it.

Why Mums are to blame for everything


I am a Superman blogger.

In my “Daily Planet” job I work as a Psychologist. It is not until night time comes that I rip off that suit and let my hair fly out and emerge from the phone booth (Ok, its more like a sturdy silver Mitsubishi family car) as a blogger.

Psychology has taught me one thing (not just one, mind).

It is always the Mother’s fault.

“Tell me about your childhood?”

Well I raise you one humble life lesson, Psychology, and tell you this.

“Of course it the Mothers fault, because the Mum’s do everything.”

TM (Book soon to be released by “Tell her she’s dreamin’ publishing.”

The Mum’s are there through the thick and the thin, the good and the bad. The wiping up and the cleaning down. The building high and striking down. The BFF’s and the frenemies and enemies, the bullies and the brokers.

Mum’s are IN IT ALL.

Case in point, when I wanted to run away, my loving, adventurous mother was right there with me, both literally and figuratively.

Conversely at the saddest, lowest ebb of my little life, my Mum shone through like a Mum/ Hulk hybrid (less green version).

My Dad was dying from cancer you see and he wanted to die at home. I am not really sure that he realised what this would mean when he made his request, but eventually we all came to understand it how difficult it was going to be to grant him his wish. But my Mum, she never wavered. She looked after him tenderly, persistently, carefully and purposefully. She took him on retreat to a hippy-freak organic-fruit-wielding-health-farm and when that didn’t work, she continued the plan from her own home.

She was a hero, draped in curly brown hair and hint of fatigue and a sadness drenched aura.

She was his hero and our hero and her hero and I will forever be grateful.


Back in Italy though, Mum was chastising me or challenging me, I am not sure which one, about nearly everything.

“Just do it. You will regret it if you don’t. You only live once. ”

And so I did. I drank bubbles along the Grand Canal, I shopped on Via Condotti, I ate pizza in Piazza Del Campo and I fell asleep listening to Opera in a cold stone building in Roma.

My Mum is definitely to blame for some of that.

italy with my Mum who I blame for everythingSo if we must go around attributing blame of the “she did not breastfeed long enough” variety, let’s not forget to dish blame out thoroughly.

So right here, right now I would like to blame my Mum for a few things.

  • for cooking for me and my 5 sisters night after night, day after day, year after year, for decades.
  • for picking me up and dropping me off and buying me everything and organising a thousand small things that brought forth my future.
  • for telling me I could when I couldn’t and thinking I wouldn’t when I did (I was a teenager once).
  • for holding my hand through a lot of scary moments, only some of which occurred in childhood.
  • for the warmth and the laughter and the Summer’s by the pool.
  • for teaching me to be brave and forcing me to try new things.
  • for teaching me about loyalty by being loyalty, through and through.

There is a lot more I could blame my Mother for because, indeed, she was just there through it all.

How about you? What would you like to blame your Mother for?

Dan B with her MumAnd one last thing, Happy 70th Val! I love you.


Dani xx




Want to hear more about family life with 6 sisters?

You do for family, the sisterhood edition.

Best friends, family and moving house.

No new clothes for a year.

No New Clothes for A Year

AKA The tale of how one purple shirt started a revolution

No new clothes for a year

I stared at the contents of my wardrobe, half of which were strewn across my floor like some terrible ode to Jackson Pollack. For half an hour I had been trying on various combinations of skirts, jeans, dresses, jackets and tops, and still had not managed to hit on anything that looked even vaguely good. I threw a particularly offensive jean jacket across the room and yelled that familiar cry heard in wardrobes all around the nation:

I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!! Continue reading