Mr Beebes Bendigo.

Where: 17 View Point


(03)5441 5557

Mr Beebes Bendigo

So Mr Beebes stands proudly where The Whirakee  Restaurant once was, right in the heart of downtown Bendigo. I love Bendigo and find her tres elegant with her fountains and beautiful old buildings. The Whirakee used to epitomise all that was good about Bendigo and I loved to sit in the restaurant and look out at the fountain, Rosalind Park and city beyond. The restaurant building itself was also quite stunning, having been built within the walls of an old bank.

Anyway, apparently the people have spoken, and what the people want now is hip, casual dining with share plates. So au revoir lovely Whirakee, and bienvenue Mr Beebes (I will stop with the faux French now. Oops! Now). I am sad to see you go, but I guess I will just deal (I am trying to use the modern lingo there, like Mr Beebes).

So, same view, same Chef (apparently) and even same owner (apparently).

A friend recently celebrated his birthday here. I made like Cinderella and stayed home to do the chores. This is where the Cinderella parallel takes a dramatic nosedive though as I did not emerge as a ball gowned beauty. I literally just stayed at home.

But, my handsome Prince sent me photo’s of the meal and tells me that the food was delicious and the service was quite good. I share them here for your viewing pleasure.

Mr Beebes Bendigo dinner              Mr Beebes BendigoMr Beebes Bendigo

It is casual-y, it is share-y and I am told it is delicious (y). I think it looks fantastic. Head over to the Mr Beebe’s website to check out their current menu.

Or maybe even stop in and check it out and let me know what you think.

More importantly, if you know a Fairy Godmother, send her my way so that next time there is a party I might complete the fairytale and transform from a fragile housewife to a Charming Princess.

These stories are realistic, yes?

Happy Eating Travellers!

Dani xx

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