Eat My Street meets Man V. Food.

Castello Blue have launched a new cheese that is perfect for eating on your burger and Eat My Street was invited to celebrate.Easy burger Castello Blue

Australia’s first sliced blue cheese is built especially for adding to your burger. Consistently creamy with just the perfect amount of bite, it was a delicious addition to the burger we were invited to build ourselves upstairs at Easey’s Burgers in Collingwood.

Adam Richman from Man V. Food fame was the guest of the evening and he was charming, erudite and sweet. He was also obviously passionate about good burgers. He entertained us with some burger blue based rhymes, assured us of his love for beautiful Australia and even complimented the very Aussie Tim Tam slam.img_7588

My date for the evening was Simone from Basil and Chook and we were very pleased to run into Sarah from Eat My Words.

BBQ season is almost here (YAY) so why don’t you break out and try a little sliced blue cheese on your next burger.2016-10-13-19-00-08-1

In the mean time, here is a little Adam for you to enjoy at home.


Dani xx

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