Shoot the Chef 2016 with Blayne from O.MY

This week I entered a photography competition with Clique photography titled “Shoot the Chef 2016.” Blayne Bertoncello was kind enough to let me follow him around taking photos and generally getting in his way.

He also toured me around the amazing Cardi farm where O.MY Restaurant now source 100% of the fresh produce for their restaurant in Beaconsfield. It was an amazing thing to see with an acre or so of land planted out with seeds, seedlings, fruit, vegetables, herbs and edible flowers.

Here are a few of my favourite images from the day.

Shoot the Chef 2016


Blayne not only cooks the food you eat at O.MY but he helps grow it too. The menu is completely developed around what is seasonal, fresh and ready to be picked at the farm.

Shoot the Chef 2016

“Boss of the Burbs.”

I really wanted to get a shot of Blayne out of his kitchen and in his natural setting; suburbia. Reviewers cannot help but mention the unexpected location of his restaurant so here he is, being boss of the ‘burbs.

Shoot the Chef 2016

“Mushroom Socks.”

Yes, Chayse is wearing mushroom socks. Enough said?


“Beets and baby blues.”

Blayne was definitely most happy and relaxed when he was busy doing something or chatting with someone. Here he is doing both. It shows I think?”

So what do you think? Which do you like the most?

None of these actually made the final cut but I’d love to hear what you think.

Wish me luck!


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One thought on “Shoot the Chef 2016 with Blayne from O.MY

  1. Like the photo of your chef with the blue borage growing. How does he use this herb I wonder. I have some but can’t remember why I planted it. Any tips?

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